LEAF 2015 - The Movie!

Enjoy Natalia's movie documenting our ten days of exploring and working in the field.

Preparing for Makers' Day Projects - Global Buckets = Watershed Model!

Here is the movie that inspired the watershed model project. Be sure to saturate the dirt in your bucket from the top and then fill the bottom bucket through the pvc pipe every two weeks. Use a nitrogen rich fertilizer once a month.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Experience and Connection From a Committed Environmentalist

Today in LEAF, we went to the SF-Marin Food Bank and achieved many things. In the morning half, we did a stimulation of what it was like to not know when our next meal would come from. We were given a character that had hunger insecurity. Given an extremely small budget and certain limits that pertain to each character (disabled, homeless), we had to buy a meal that would give us the correct amount of nutrients and calories to sustain and be healthy. We had to stretch our money as much as possible and still not have the right amount of nutrients and calories. This stimulation was a great eye opener for us all. This activity was stressful and anxiety inducing and a whopping 1 and 4 people have to live like this everyday. Once that was done, we packaged pasta to be given to people who have hunger insecurity. It felt great helping out and I really enjoyed myself. It was such a great feeling seeing all of the volunteers helping out and making a difference. This day was such a great experience I want to take home in the future.

~ Luke

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