LEAF 2015 - The Movie!

Enjoy Natalia's movie documenting our ten days of exploring and working in the field.

Preparing for Makers' Day Projects - Global Buckets = Watershed Model!

Here is the movie that inspired the watershed model project. Be sure to saturate the dirt in your bucket from the top and then fill the bottom bucket through the pvc pipe every two weeks. Use a nitrogen rich fertilizer once a month.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

We Make Connections!

The five facts of life are both physical and metaphorical concepts that can apply to one's life in many ways. One could use them in their daily life by observing their situation as well as other's more, and start to see them show up everywhere like patterns.  At SPAWN, we saw how the salmon sacrificed themselves for their babies, thus giving their life and body back to the environment, acting as a super fertilizer since it had been enriched by all the nutrients from the sea. This demonstrated the fact that matter cycles continually thought the eco systems.

~ Nanette

I saw one animal's waste is another animal's food at SPAWN when the nature takes back the salmon. I saw everything relies on the sun at Heron’s Head Park in their eco center. I also saw diversity assures resilience with the native Plants. Not to mention fellowship at SFPUC.

~ Vivi

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