LEAF 2015 - The Movie!

Enjoy Natalia's movie documenting our ten days of exploring and working in the field.

Preparing for Makers' Day Projects - Global Buckets = Watershed Model!

Here is the movie that inspired the watershed model project. Be sure to saturate the dirt in your bucket from the top and then fill the bottom bucket through the pvc pipe every two weeks. Use a nitrogen rich fertilizer once a month.

Monday, July 6, 2015

LEAF students find inspiration in their world and want to share it with you!

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.

~ John Muir

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do whats possible; and suddenly you're doing the impossible."

~ Francis of Assisi

This quote inspires me because it makes me feel like I can do the impossible. And I'll think about when ever I feel like I can't.

~ JP

“Going to the mountains is going home”

~ John Muir

N- ika's
A- mazingness
T- oward
U- topian nature
R- eeks in me and 
E- cosystems

~ Nika

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

Norman Vincent Peale (From the PHS yearbook by Isa)

This quote is inspirational to me because when you try hard but don't succeed life can seem really hard. You know that you did your best and you know that somebody out there is going to appreciate you and your effort, and like this quote says, you will land somewhere or on something nice you won't necessarily land on the jackpot but you'll land on a grade or feeling or an environment you truly deserve.

~ Laura Findlay

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