LEAF 2015 - The Movie!

Enjoy Natalia's movie documenting our ten days of exploring and working in the field.

Preparing for Makers' Day Projects - Global Buckets = Watershed Model!

Here is the movie that inspired the watershed model project. Be sure to saturate the dirt in your bucket from the top and then fill the bottom bucket through the pvc pipe every two weeks. Use a nitrogen rich fertilizer once a month.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The World According to Nanette

Today (July 7,2015) we went to the Food Bank with LEAF.
It was a very eye-opening experience, and I’m very glad to have gone.
We got to step somewhat into the shoes of a food-insecure person, where often one had under 10$ to feed themselves everyday.

Afterwards, we munched gratefully on our own lunches, and went off to package pasta. The repetitive work allowed me to appreciate all of the things I take for granted, and now I will look at food with curious eyes, wondering what journey it took to get there, and how it is a blessing not to have to worry about its presence in your daily life. Thank you LEAF!

~ Nanette

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