LEAF 2015 - The Movie!

Enjoy Natalia's movie documenting our ten days of exploring and working in the field.

Preparing for Makers' Day Projects - Global Buckets = Watershed Model!

Here is the movie that inspired the watershed model project. Be sure to saturate the dirt in your bucket from the top and then fill the bottom bucket through the pvc pipe every two weeks. Use a nitrogen rich fertilizer once a month.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Skyla Makes a Difference!

What LEAF did today was we went to the food bank and helped out about 1,200 families that do not nowhere there food is coming from or if they will have a meal the next day. We had to put on gloves and hair nets while we bagged rice, here is how we did it:

The first person at the table estimated one pound of pasta and put it into a bag,
The next person had a scale and weighed the pasta to exactly one pound per bag,
After that the third person used a sealer to melt the plastic of the bag closed,
Then the last person put a sticker on the bag and counted twenty bags per box
Now I know a way to help hundreds of people in need. Maybe someday you will help the food bank and people in need to

~ Skyla

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